



时间:2012-04-05      阅读:1830

  1、Before installing the solenoid valve, the pipe must be cleaned. Recommended valve installed before the filter, steam pipe installed trap.
    2、Solenoid valve in the piping system installed in the branch circuit path should be less than the diameter of the main channel of the valve.在管路系统中,安装在支路上的电磁阀通径应小于主管道阀门的通径。
    3、In order to prompt isolation solenoid valve solenoid valve failure, and ensure the normal operation of the system, it is best to install the bypass device在电磁阀发生故障时,为了及时隔离电磁阀,并保证系统正常运行,安装旁路装置
    4、The working medium of the solenoid valve should be clean and free of particulate impurities, the solenoid valve on the surface of dirt and filter, to be periodically cleaned.
    5、Installation solenoid valve coil up, and maintain the vertical position of the arrow or mark on the solenoid valve and pipeline flows shall be installed where splashing or leaks.
    6、Can not install the valve in the pipeline low recess, so as to avoid condensation of water vapor, impurities deposited in the valve and interfere with the action.不能将阀安装在管道的低凹处,以免因蒸汽冷凝水、杂质等沉淀在阀内而防碍动作。
    7、Can not be used in explosion hazardous situations.不能在爆炸危险场合使用。
    8、Pipeline insufficient rigidity of the case, it is recommended that the valve before the pipeline with a fixed support to avoid vibration caused by the solenoid valve work.在管路刚性不足情况下,建议把阀前管道用支架固定,以免电磁阀工作时引起振动。
    9、Before installation, see the product label carefully read the manual to determine whether the products meet the conditions of use.在安装前,要注意看清产品标牌,认真阅读使用说明书,判断产品是否符合使用条件。
       10、Before and after the solenoid valve pipe to be installed on the pressure gauge, in order to observe the pipeline pressure.电磁阀前后管道上需安装压力表,以便观察管道压力。


上一篇: 解决调节阀故障的五种方法 下一篇: 上海立盾安全阀的安全稳定性!
