

参考价: 面议

2022-11-12 09:46:55







 潜水搅拌机,搅拌机中的机,1. 运输和使用注意事项

Precautions for transportation and use.

1.1 决不允许用潜水泵搅拌机的电缆起吊或悬挂潜水搅拌机。在搬运或悬挂潜水搅拌机时,可用带钩的链条钩在起吊板上。

The cable of the submerged mixer is never permitted to be used to lift or hang the mixer. While the submerged mixer is being moved or hanged, the chain with a hook can be hooked on the lifting board.

1.2 如果潜水搅拌机仍在使用或浸在水中,在0以下的气温时,可以继续使用。

        The submerged mixer still in use or immersed in water can be used as usual under 0.

1.3 潜水搅拌机使用油脂或润滑油进行润滑。由于密封磨损,油脂或润滑油会漏出。这时,请赶快将潜水搅拌机送至本厂维修部或委托维修点,更换密封,以免将电机烧坏。

      Grease or lubricant shall be used for lubrication of the submerged mixer. Once the grease or lubricant leaks for the wear of the seal, please send the mixer to the service department or the commissioned service stations of the manufacturer to change the seal lest the electric motor is burnt out.

1.4 未切断电源时,不得移动潜水搅拌机,人不得进入水中。

      Before the power is cut off, the submerged mixer shall not be moved, nor is anyone allowed to go into the water.

1.5 潜水搅拌机安装以后,不能长期浸在水中不用,建议每半个月至少运行4个小时以检查其功能和适应性,或提起放在干燥处备用。

      The submerged mixer, having been erected, shall not be immersed in water when it is not used for a long time. It is suggested that the mixer shall be operated for at least 4 hours per month to check its function and adaptability or lifted in the dry place for future use.

1.6 潜水搅拌机必须保证安全接地。

       Safe grounding of the submerged mixer shall be ensured.


2. 作用说明



Before the submerged mixer is started, a qualified electrician should check the system, ensuring that the protective measures required as follows are adopted.

2.1 潜水搅拌机在运行前,应用0-500V兆欧表检查电机定子绕组对地绝缘电阻,低不得低于1兆欧。

      Before operation of the mixer, a 0.500v megohmmeter should be used to examine the insulance against ground of the stator winding of the electric motor which should never be lower than 1 megohm.

2.2 电源电压一定要在铭牌上标出的额定电压±5%的范围内,电源电压升高值不得超过额定电压的10%,如果电源离潜水搅拌机使用的距离较远时,电缆的截面积应当加粗,接头应尽可能少些,否则会使电压下降的过大,且结头处应密封防水。

      The power voltage should be within 5% higher or lower than the rated voltage marked on the data plate, and the power voltage should increase by less than 10% of the rated one. If the electric power is relatively far away from the site where the submerged mixer is used, the section of the cable should be widened and the connections smaller in quantity with seal for resistance of water. Otherwise, the voltage will decrease too greatly.

2.3 电缆中,带标志为接地线,一般为黄绿线,为保证安全,必须将地线接牢并比其他线长出50mm

      The wire of the cable with the mark of is the ground wire, usually in yellowish green. The ground wire should be fastened and 50mm longer than any other wire for the sake of safety.

2.4 检查叶轮旋转方向。

Check the rotation direction of the impellers.


     For the submerged mixers using three-phase electric power, before their first working and after each reinstallation, the rotation direction of the impellers should be examined. If they rotate in the wrong direction, the efficiency will be reduced and the mixers damaged.


      Means of examination: Before the installation is completed, standing in front of the mixer facing the impeller, one should find that the impeller is rotation in the counterclockwise direction. If several mixers are connected to the same control device, each should be examined separay. If the impellers rotate in the wrong direction, exchange the places of any two wires on the three-phase control device.



Directions for Maintenance


The submerged mixers are in good quality, which have all been subjected to careful final test. Life-time lubricated ball bearings enable the mixers to stand maximum wear and tear. However, regular examination and maintenance is still recommended to guarantee the service life the mixers.


If the service contract is signed with the manufacturer, the service department can provide the best professional service under any circumstances:


1. 注油和换油

Oiling and Reoiling


Before the submerged mixers leave the factory, the oil rooms have been injected with adequate lubricant, which should be changed each year.


Reoiling should be conducted according to the following directions.


Place the mixer steadily in the direction which renders the oil room stopper downward, unscrew the stopper, let out the lubricant, clean the oil room with washing oil, inject right amount of lubricant, change a new O-shaped ring, and tighten the stopper.


If water is found in the lubricant, it should be checked again three weeks after reoiling. If the lubricant gets milk like again, check the mechanical seal component, and change it if necessary. (Contact the service department of the manufacturer.)


If you change the seal component yourself, hermetic seal experiment is necessary.


Note: the oil should be transformer oil.


2. 运转故障

Operation Failure


If any undetermined failure occurs, putting up with it is undesirable, so is foolish repairing and dismantling without permission. (Contact the service department of the manufacturer).

上一篇:潜水搅拌机使用注意事项 下一篇:潜水推流器的叶轮材质有哪些优点
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